# kmos_tools/star_offsets.py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module to find stars in an exposure, and fit their spatial positions to use in ``kmos_combine --user_shifts``
# List of frames to check (should be all the frames you want to combine)
frame_list = ['frame1.fits', 'frame2.fits']
fname_stars = 'stars.txt' # File to save star parameters to
fname_combine = 'combine.sof' # .sof file to create
kt.star_positions_batch(frame_list, psf_cut=0.8, starparams_filename=fname_stars, combinefiles_filename=fname_combine)
fname_usershifts = 'usershifts.txt' # file to save usershifts to
kt.make_user_shifts_file(starparams_filename=fname_stars, usershifts_filename=fname_usershifts)
import numpy as np
import subprocess
import astropy.io.fits as fits
import datetime
import kmos_tools as kt
__all__ = ["make_user_shifts_file", "star_positions_batch", "find_star_ifu", "star_fit_profile", "star_psf"]
[docs]def make_user_shifts_file(starparams_filename, usershifts_filename=None):
"""Create file of user shifts to use with ``kmos_combine --method="user"``
To run ``kmos_combine`` you *must* use the frames in the order they are used here
i.e. so the offset matches the right frame
starparams_filename (str): filepath of table with the star positions
usershifts_filename (str, optional): filename to save usershift table to
# Get info from star table
star_table = np.genfromtxt(starparams_filename, dtype=None, names=True, skip_header=1)
n_frames = len(star_table)
# Calculate shifts and save to file
print('Calculating shifts')
shiftx, shifty = [0]*(n_frames-1), [0]*(n_frames-1)
for i in range(1, n_frames):
shiftx[i-1] = star_table['XCEN_pix'][i] - star_table['XCEN_pix'][0]
shifty[i-1] = star_table['YCEN_pix'][0] - star_table['YCEN_pix'][i]
if usershifts_filename is None:
usershifts_filename = starparams_filename.replace('.txt', '_usershifts.txt')
np.savetxt(usershifts_filename, np.array([shiftx, shifty]).T, fmt='%f', delimiter=' ')
print(' - Saved shifts file to', usershifts_filename)
[docs]def star_positions_batch(frame_list, psf_cut=0.8, edge_x=2., edge_y=2., star_ifu=None,
starparams_filename=None, combinefiles_filename=None):
"""Given a list of exposure file names, will find stars and measure PSFs.
Given a list of exposure file names, will find stars and measure PSFs.
Then creates a list of frames with PSF FWHM below a given value, saves
the list of star positions (to calculate user shifts) and creates a .sof
file of the 'good' frames.
frame_list (list): List of file names of individual ``SCI_RECONSTRUCTED.fits`` files
psf_cut (float): max PSF to use for combining (in arcsec) [default = 0.8 arcsec]
edge_x (float): x_star > edge_x to include (i.e. not on the edge) [default = 2 pixels]
edge_y (float): y_star > edge_y to include (i.e. not on the edge) [default = 2 pixels]
star_if (int): IFU star is on
starparams_filename (str): table with parameters of good stars
combinefiles_filename (str): .sof file with list of good frames
combine_files = []
star_table, star_table_bad = [], []
if starparams_filename is None:
starparams_filename = frame_list[0].split('_products')[0]+'_products/star_psf_'+str(datetime.date.today())+'.txt'
if combinefiles_filename is None:
combinefiles_filename = frame_list[0].split('_products')[0]+'_products/combine_'+str(datetime.date.today())+'.sof'
for ff, frame in enumerate(frame_list):
sci_reconstructed = kt.Exposure(frame)
sci_reconstructed.star_ifu = star_ifu
# Look for a star in the frame (based on having `star` in the target name) and fit a gaussian profile to it
psf_center_x, psf_center_y, psf_fwhm, psf_ba, psf_pa, invert_comment = star_psf(sci_reconstructed, clobber=True)
print('No star in %s' % frame)
psf_center_x, psf_center_y, psf_fwhm, psf_ba, psf_pa, invert_comment = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, '# no star'
if psf_fwhm < psf_cut and sci_reconstructed.mode == 'A' and psf_center_x > edge_x and psf_center_y > edge_y:
combine_files.append([frame, 'SCI_RECONSTRUCTED'])
star_table.append([frame, sci_reconstructed.frame_time, psf_center_x, psf_center_y, psf_fwhm, psf_ba, psf_pa, invert_comment])
elif psf_center_x == np.nan:
star_table_bad.append([frame, sci_reconstructed.frame_time, psf_center_x, psf_center_y, psf_fwhm, psf_ba, psf_pa, invert_comment])
print('WARNING: Something wrong with PSF in %s' % frame)
star_table_bad.append([frame, sci_reconstructed.frame_time, psf_center_x, psf_center_y, psf_fwhm, psf_ba, psf_pa, invert_comment])
del sci_reconstructed
# Save star parameter output
star_table = np.array(star_table)
FWHM = np.array([float(x) for x in star_table[:, 4]])
med_FWHM = np.nanmedian(FWHM[FWHM > 0.])
ba = np.array([float(x) for x in star_table[:, 5]])
med_ba = np.nanmedian(ba[ba > 0.])
pa = np.array([float(x) for x in star_table[:, 6]])
med_pa = np.nanmedian(pa[pa > 0.])
np.savetxt(starparams_filename, star_table, fmt='%s', delimiter=' ', header='Star PSFs. Median FWHM = %.3f Median BA = %.3f Median PA = %.3f \nFrame OB_time XCEN_pix YCEN_pix FWHM_arcsec BA PA_deg' % (med_FWHM, med_ba, med_pa), comments='# ')
np.savetxt(starparams_filename.replace('.txt', '_bad.txt'), star_table_bad, fmt='%s', delimiter=' ', header='Bad Star PSFs. \nFrame OB_time XCEN_pix YCEN_pix FWHM_arcsec BA PA_deg', comments='# ')
print(' - Saved PSF info file to %s ' % starparams_filename)
# Save .sof file with all the successful frames
combine_files = np.array(combine_files)
np.savetxt(combinefiles_filename, combine_files, fmt='%s')
print(' - Saved combine.sof file to %s ' % combinefiles_filename)
[docs]def find_star_ifu(exposure):
"""Find the IFUs in the SCI_RECONSTRUCTED cubes containing a star
exposure (object): exposure object
exposure.star_ifu (int): IFU containing star
if exposure.star_ifu is None:
for ifu in range(1, 25):
ifu_comment = 'HIERARCH ESO OCS ARM%i NAME' % ifu
# Look for star in name of IFU targe
if 'star' not in exposure.hdr[ifu_comment].lower():
print('Star found in IFU %i' % ifu)
exposure.star_ifu = ifu
return exposure.star_ifu
[docs]def star_fit_profile(exposure):
"""Fit gaussian profiles to star to find PSFs
Using ESO command line pipeline tools (``esorex``) extract the star from the exposure,
fit a Gaussian profile to it, and save the fitted star to a new fits file ``star_file_name``.
exposure (object): exposure object
star_file_name (str): filepath of FITS file with star with PSF fitted to it
invert (bool): was the star flux weird and inverted?
# Find IFU star is on
if exposure.star_ifu is None:
exposure.star_ifu = find_star_ifu(exposure)
# Make a copy of the IFU with the star
kmo_copy = 'esorex kmo_copy -x=1 -y=1 -z=1 -xsize=14 -ysize=14 -zsize=2048 -ifu=%s %s' % (str(exposure.star_ifu), exposure.filename)
subprocess.call(kmo_copy, shell=True)
status, copyfile = subprocess.getstatusoutput("find . -maxdepth 1 -iname copy.fits")
# Collapse the IFU to make an image
kmo_make_image = 'esorex kmo_make_image %s' % copyfile
subprocess.call(kmo_make_image, shell=True)
status, makeimagefile = subprocess.getstatusoutput("find . -maxdepth 1 -iname make_image.fits")
# Check the image, if weird, invert
image_hdu = fits.open(makeimagefile)
image = image_hdu[1].data
test_star = np.nansum(image[3:-3, 3:-3] - np.nanmedian(image[3:-3, 3:-3]))
invert = False
if test_star < 0.:
print('WARNING: Weird star in %s, multiplying image by -1' % exposure.filename)
image_hdu[1].data = -1. * image
image_hdu.writeto(makeimagefile, clobber=True)
invert = True
# Rename star file
exposure.star_image_file = exposure.filename.strip('.fits') + '_star_image.fits'
subprocess.call('cp %s %s' % (makeimagefile, exposure.star_image_file), shell=True)
# Fit profile to star image
kmo_fit_profile = 'esorex kmo_fit_profile %s' % exposure.star_image_file
subprocess.call(kmo_fit_profile, shell=True)
status, fitprofilefile = subprocess.getstatusoutput("find . -maxdepth 1 -iname fit_profile.fits")
# Tidy up
star_file_name = exposure.filename.strip('.fits')+'_star_psf.fits'
rename_fit_profile = 'mv %s %s' % (fitprofilefile, star_file_name)
delete_temps = 'rm %s %s' % (copyfile, makeimagefile)
subprocess.call(rename_fit_profile, shell=True)
subprocess.call(delete_temps, shell=True)
print('Saved star psf profile to '+star_file_name)
# Filename to save star IFU to
exposure.starfile = exposure.filename.strip('.fits')+'_star_psf.fits'
return star_file_name, invert
[docs]def star_psf(exposure, clobber=True, vb=False):
"""Get the PSF profiles of the star for calculating user shifts
Read the file ``star_file_name`` and return the main parameters
exposure (object): exposure object
psf_center_x (float): PSF centroid x in pixels
psf_center_y (float): PSF centroid y in pixels
psf_fwhm (float): PSF FWHM in arcsec
psf_ba (float): PSF BA # TODO I don't remember what this is!!
psf_pa (float): PSF position angle in degrees
exposure.invert (bool): is the flux weird?
exposure.invert = False
# if clobber is True and ~os.path.exists(exposure.starfile): - problem with this line
exposure.starfile, exposure.invert = star_fit_profile(exposure) # changed this line - wasn't calling function
if exposure.invert:
invert_comment = '# weird star, inverted flux'
invert_comment = ''
star_hdulist = fits.open(exposure.starfile)
star_hdr = star_hdulist[1].header
# Load fit parameters
psf_center_x = star_hdr['HIERARCH ESO PRO FIT CENTROID X']
psf_center_y = star_hdr['HIERARCH ESO PRO FIT CENTROID Y']
psf_r_x = star_hdr['HIERARCH ESO PRO FIT RADIUS X']
psf_r_y = star_hdr['HIERARCH ESO PRO FIT RADIUS Y']
# Get FWHM, BA, and PA
psf_fwhm = 2.3548 * 0.5 * (psf_r_x + psf_r_y) * 0.2 # fwhm in arcsec
psf_ba = psf_r_y / psf_r_x
psf_pa = star_hdr['HIERARCH ESO PRO FIT ROT']
if psf_pa > 0.:
psf_pa = psf_pa % 360.
if vb:
print('XPIX=%.2f, YPIX=%.2f, FWHM=%.3f arcsec, BA=%.3f, PA=%.3f' % (psf_center_x, psf_center_y, psf_fwhm, psf_ba, psf_pa))
return psf_center_x, psf_center_y, psf_fwhm, psf_ba, psf_pa, invert_comment