# kmos_tools/sky_clean.py
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module to clean up sky subtraction residuals in KMOS data
Works on individual exposures which must then be combined via ``kmos_combine``.
import os
import numpy as np
import astropy.io.fits as fits
import itertools as it
import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from lmfit import Parameters, minimize
__all__ = ["make_sky_residual_spectra", "subtract_sky_residual_spectra", "sky_residual"]
[docs]def make_sky_residual_spectra(exposure, use_named_targets=[''],
clobber=True, plot=True):
"""Calculate all the sky residual corrections for one DIT ~ a la Trevor Mendel
Generate median 1D sky spectra for each detector,
only from certain cubes, and save them to use for subtraction.
E.g. for KLASS we set use_named_targets=['S1', 'S3'] to only use
S1 and S3 targets (high z ~ empty).
exposure (object): exposure object
use_named_targets (list): list of string to match with target name,
uses only IFUs containing those targets to make sky residual
spectra, default uses all IFUs
clobber (bool): Make a new sky spectrum if it already exists
plot (bool): make and save a plot of the median sky spectra
Saves FITS file with 1D sky spectra for each detector
print('Correcting sky residuals in', exposure.filename)
# Create stacks of 'empty' cubes
exposure.filename_skyspec = exposure.filename.replace('.fits', '_SKYSPEC.fits')
if os.path.exists(exposure.filename_skyspec) and clobber is False:
print(exposure.filename_skyspec, 'sky spectra already exist, moving on...')
detector1, detector2, detector3 = [], [], []
for ifu in range(1, 25):
ext = exposure.hdulist['IFU.' + str(ifu) + '.DATA']
if len(ext.shape) > 0:
ifu_comment = 'HIERARCH ESO OCS ARM' + str(ifu) + ' NAME'
ifu_header = ext.header
# Use only frames with named targets for sky subtraction
if any([name in exposure.hdr[ifu_comment] for name in use_named_targets]):
ifu_cube = ext.data
if 1 <= ifu <= 8:
elif 9 <= ifu <= 16:
len_for_stack = len(detector1) + len(detector2) + len(detector3)
assert len_for_stack > 0, "Error, no IFUs used to create sky residual spectrum"
# Stack all spectra
detector1, detector2, detector3 = np.array(detector1), np.array(detector2), np.array(detector3)
if detector1.size > 0 and detector2.size > 0 and detector3.size > 0:
detector_all = np.concatenate((detector1, detector2, detector3), axis=0)
elif detector1.size > 0 and detector2.size > 0:
detector_all = np.concatenate((detector1, detector2), axis=0)
elif detector1.size > 0 and detector3.size > 0:
detector_all = np.concatenate((detector1, detector3), axis=0)
elif detector2.size > 0 and detector3.size > 0:
detector_all = np.concatenate((detector2, detector3), axis=0)
if detector1.size > 0:
detector_all = detector1
elif detector2.size > 0:
detector_all = detector2
elif detector3.size > 0:
detector_all = detector3
# Generate median of 'empty' stacks to use as sky residual spectra for each detector
skyspec_1D_all = np.nanmedian(detector_all, axis=(0, 2, 3))
skyspec_1D = {}
detectors = [detector1, detector2, detector3]
for i in range(len(detectors)):
if detectors[i].shape[0] > 1:
skyspec_1D[i] = np.nanmedian(detectors[i], axis=(0, 2, 3))
skyspec_1D[i] = None
if plot:
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.plot(skyspec_1D_all, lw=1, alpha=0.8, label='All detectors (%i IFUs)' % detector_all.shape[0], zorder=10)
for i in range(len(skyspec_1D)):
if skyspec_1D[i] is not None:
plt.plot(skyspec_1D[i], lw=1, alpha=0.8, label='Detector %i (%i IFUs)' % (i, detectors[i].shape[0]))
ymin, ymax = np.nanpercentile(skyspec_1D_all, 1), np.nanpercentile(skyspec_1D_all, 99)
if ymin > 0.: ymin = -1.e-18
plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)
plt.xlabel('Wavelength [pix]')
plt.title('Sky Subtraction Residuals - from median S1 and S3')
plt.savefig(exposure.filename_skyspec.replace('.fits', '.pdf'))
# Save spectra to fits file
# Headers
prihdr = exposure.hdr.copy()
prihdr.add_comment('Sky Spectrum on each detector, and median sky spectrum')
hdr1D = fits.Header()
hdr1D['SIMPLE'] = 'T'
hdr1D['BITPIX'] = -32
hdr1D['NAXIS'] = 1
hdr1D['NAXIS1'] = 2048
hdr1D['PCOUNT'] = 0
hdr1D['GCOUNT'] = 1
hdr1D['CUNIT1'] = ifu_header['CUNIT3']
hdr1D['CRPIX1'] = ifu_header['CRPIX3']
hdr1D['CRVAL1'] = ifu_header['CRVAL3']
hdr1D['CDELT1'] = ifu_header['CDELT3']
hdr1D['BUNIT'] = 'cgs'
hdr1D_1, hdr1D_2, hdr1D_3 = hdr1D.copy(), hdr1D.copy(), hdr1D.copy()
hdr1D['EXTNAME'] = 'ALL'
hdr1D_1['EXTNAME'] = 'DETECTOR1'
hdr1D_2['EXTNAME'] = 'DETECTOR2'
hdr1D_3['EXTNAME'] = 'DETECTOR3'
# Extensions
hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=prihdr)
hdu_all = fits.ImageHDU(skyspec_1D_all, header=hdr1D)
hdu_1 = fits.ImageHDU(skyspec_1D[0], header=hdr1D_1)
hdu_2 = fits.ImageHDU(skyspec_1D[1], header=hdr1D_2)
hdu_3 = fits.ImageHDU(skyspec_1D[2], header=hdr1D_3)
# Create hdu list and write
hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu, hdu_all, hdu_1, hdu_2, hdu_3])
hdulist.writeto(exposure.filename_skyspec, clobber=True)
print('Saved fits file to ', exposure.filename_skyspec)
[docs]def subtract_sky_residual_spectra(exposure, clobber=True, plot=True):
r"""Subtract residual sky spectrum from each IFU using relevant detector sky spectrum
Rescales 1D sky spectrum :math:`s_\lambda` in each spatial pixel by :math:`A_{x, y}` \
for each IFU such that sky subtracted spectrum:
.. math:: f_{x, y, \lambda}^\mathrm{skysub} = f_{x, y, \lambda} - A_{x, y}s_\lambda
Where :math:`A_{x, y}` is obtained by minimising:
.. math:: \left( \frac{f_{x, y, \lambda}^\mathrm{skysub}}{\sigma_\lambda} \right)^2
exposure (object): exposure object
clobber (bool): Make a new sky spectrum if it already exists
plot (bool): make and save a plot of the median sky spectra
Saves FITS file with 1D sky spectra for each detector with filename ``*_SKYSUB.fits``
# Do sky subtraction
if os.path.exists(exposure.filename_skycorr) and clobber is False:
print(exposure.filename_skycorr, 'already exists, moving on...')
skyspec_all = fits.open(exposure.filename_skyspec)
for ifu in range(1, 25):
ext = exposure.hdulist['IFU.' + str(ifu) + '.DATA']
if len(ext.shape) > 0:
# Finding detector
if 1 <= ifu <= 8:
detector = 1
elif 9 <= ifu <= 16:
detector = 2
elif 17 <= ifu <= 24:
detector = 3
skyspec = skyspec_all[detector+1].data
# Do sky subtraction
if skyspec is None:
print('No sky spectrum for detector %i, so using the median' % detector)
skyspec = skyspec_all[1].data
# Estimate 1D error from std of flux
dat3D = ext.data.copy()
err1D = np.nanstd(dat3D, axis=(1, 2))/np.sqrt(dat3D.shape[1] * dat3D.shape[2])
# Get rescaling # TODO better minimise
skyscale2D = np.zeros_like(dat3D[0])
chisquared2D = np.zeros_like(dat3D[0])
for i, j in it.product(np.arange(dat3D.shape[1]), np.arange(dat3D.shape[2])):
params = Parameters()
params.add('scale', value=1.)
out = minimize(sky_residual, params, args=(skyspec, dat3D[:, i, j], err1D))
skyscale2D[i, j] = out.params['scale'].value
chisquared2D[i, j] = out.chisqr
# Sky subtract
data_corr = dat3D - skyscale2D*skyspec[:, None, None]
# Subtract median flux if not S2
ifu_comment = 'HIERARCH ESO OCS ARM' + str(ifu) + ' NAME'
if 'S2' not in exposure.hdr[ifu_comment]:
data_corr -= np.nanmedian(data_corr)
ext.data = data_corr
now = datetime.datetime.now()
ext.header['SKY RESIDUALS CORRECTED'] = str(now)
exposure.hdulist.writeto(exposure.filename_skycorr, clobber=clobber)
print('Saved Sky Fix to', exposure.filename_skycorr)
[docs]def sky_residual(params, sky, data, err):
r"""Residual for 1D sky-scaling
Used to find optimal rescaling of 1D spectrum, A,
for each spatial pixel
.. math::
R_i = \frac{(f_i - A s_i)}{\sigma_i} \\
\chi^2 = \sum_i R_i^2
params (params): parameters
sky (ndarray): 1D sky spectrum
data (ndarray): 3D data cube
err (ndarray): 1D error spectrum
scale = params['scale']
return np.nan_to_num((data - scale * sky)/err)