Source code for kmos_tools.pipeline_fixes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Quick fixes for KMOS pipeline problems. Methods are:

        rotation_fix: Rotates frames so that they are all orientated in the same direction for combining
        calib_fix: Fix flux calibration if it wasn't done by the pipeline (i.e. no standard observed on on detector)
        flux_fix: Fixes an old (now fixed??) pipeline problem where flux needs to be divided by DIT length in seconds

import os
import subprocess
import as fits
import datetime

__all__ = ["rotation_fix", "flux_fix"]

[docs]def rotation_fix(exposure, updateheader=False, keepsize=False): """Sometimes the instrument was rotated, this rotates all the frames to the same angle for combining For some OBs the field is rotated so North is no longer up. This is when ocs.rot.offangle != 0 Need to rotate back to North = up so we can combine nicely 1. Check if frame is rotated 2. Use kmo_rotate to rotate the frame 3. Update the headers 4. Rename old file to _rotoffangle### 5. Save file Note: Best to run this on sky sub files (_noS2.fits) Args: exposure (object): exposure object updateheader (bool): Update info in the header for the rotated frame keepsize (bool): extrapolate to keep the IFU the same size (for combining a mixture of cubes) """ # Check if rotated if exposure.hdr['HIERARCH ESO OCS ROT OFFANGLE'] != 0: rotangle = exposure.hdr['HIERARCH ESO OCS ROT OFFANGLE'] # Rotate if keepsize: extrapolate = '--extrapolate' else: extrapolate = '' kmo_rotate = 'esorex kmo_rotate --rotations="%f" %s %s' % (rotangle, extrapolate, exposure.filename) os.system(kmo_rotate) status, rotfile = subprocess.getstatusoutput("find . -maxdepth 1 -iname ROTATE.fits") # Rename files old_filename = exposure.filename.replace('.fits', '_rotoffangle%.0f.fits' % (rotangle)) rename_oldfile = 'mv %s %s' % (exposure.filename, old_filename) rename_newfile = 'mv %s %s' % (rotfile, exposure.filename) os.system(rename_oldfile) os.system(rename_newfile) if updateheader: newhdu = newhdr = newhdu[0].header newhdr['HIERARCH ESO OCS ROT OFFANGLE'] = 0. newhdr['HIERARCH ESO OCS ROT OFFSET'] = 0. if len(newhdu) > 3: for ifu in range(1, 25): ext = newhdu['IFU.'+str(ifu)+'.DATA'] if len(ext.shape) > 0: ext.header['CD1_1'] = ext.header['CDELT1'] ext.header['CD2_1'] = 0. ext.header['CD1_2'] = 0. ext.header['CD2_2'] = ext.header['CDELT2'] else: for ext in range(1, 3): newhdu[ext].header['CD1_1'] = newhdu[ext].header['CDELT1'] newhdu[ext].header['CD2_1'] = 0. newhdu[ext].header['CD1_2'] = 0. newhdu[ext].header['CD2_2'] = newhdu[ext].header['CDELT2'] newhdu.writeto(exposure.filename, clobber=True) print(exposure.filename, 'rotation fixed') return
[docs]def flux_fix(exposure, clobber=True): """Fix Reflex exposure time bug Fix the bug in Reflex by dividing the calibrated flux from the standard stars by the DIT for science exposures Note: This is now obsolete as fixed in kmos pipeline v. > 1.4 Args: exposure (object) clobber (bool): Overwrite exposure file """ # Don't rewrite if we've already corrected this file if os.path.exists(exposure.filename_fluxfix) and clobber is False: print(exposure.filename_fluxfix, 'already exists, moving on...') else: count = 0 for ifu in range(1, 25): ext = exposure.hdulist['IFU.'+str(ifu)+'.DATA'] if is not None: # Count IFUs with data count = count + 1 dat3D_fluxfix = / ext.header['EXPTIME'] = dat3D_fluxfix now = ext.header['FLUX FIXED'] = str(now) print(count, 'IFUs with science data') exposure.hdulist.writeto(exposure.filename_fluxfix, clobber=clobber) print('Saved fixed flux to', exposure.filename_fluxfix) return