Source code for kmos_tools.exposure

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Class to hold individual KMOS exposures for post-processing

Takes ``*SCI_RECONSTRUCTED.fits`` filenames as input

    Create a instance of the exposure class for each exposure file::

        from kmos_tools import exposure

        fname = 'KMOS_SCI_RECONSTRUCTED.fits'
        exp = exposure.Exposure(fname)


__author__ = ["Charlotte Mason (UCLA)", "Antonello Calabro' (OAR)"]

import as fits

[docs]class Exposure(object): """A single KMOS exposure object Takes SCI_RECONSTRUCTED filename as input, to be used for other operations. Attributes: filename (str): filepath to SCI_RECONSTRUCTED fits file hdulist (astropy sequence of HDU objects or single HDU): HDUlist of IFUs in the exposure hdr (astropy header): FITS header filter (str): KMOS filter used frame_time (str): date of observations """ def __init__(self, reconstructed_fits_path, vb=False): """init the Exposure class using SCI_RECONSTRUCTED files Args: reconstructed_fits_path (str): File path of SCI_RECONSTRUCTED individual frame. vb (bool): verbose? """ self.filename = reconstructed_fits_path self.hdulist = self.hdr = self.hdulist[0].header self.filter = self.hdr['HIERARCH ESO INS FILT1 ID'] self.frame_time = self.hdr['DATE-OBS'] self.vb = vb if self.vb: print('REDUCTION: Inspecting %s' % self.filename) # Work out whether we are in science (A) or sky (B) mode count = 0 for ifu in range(1, 25): try: ext = self.hdulist['IFU.%i.DATA' % ifu] if is not None: count = count + 1 except: if self.vb: print('WARNING: no IFU %i' % ifu) if count > 5: self.mode = 'A' else: self.mode = 'B' self.star_ifu = None self.filename_fluxfix = self.filename_fluxfix = self.filename.replace('.fits', '_FLUXFIX.fits') self.filename_skycorr = self.filename.replace('.fits', '_SKYSUB.fits') self.starfile = None return